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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Anne

Sunflower Stickers Now in My Etsy Shop!

Updated: Aug 27, 2023

Sunflower stickers have arrived!

Click here to see more photos and purchase options: byMelissaAnneStudio

These stickers are cat approved! LOL!

Stickers are meant to be fun and bring joy, are they not? This cat brings me joy, too! He was a feral cat who had claimed the atrium at a resort in Rome, Italy. He would hiss and scratch at anyone who tried to pet him. Such a stinker! Too cute though! LOL!

Just for funzies, I overlayed my sticker flowers over the sunflowers the cat was guarding.

May you find joy in the little things today, my friend.

Carpe Diem,

Melissa Anne

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